Laser Vision Correction

LASIK, (Laser-Assisted-In-Situ Keratomileusis) is currently one of the most frequently performed elective procedures in North America. It is a highly effective outpatient procedure that is suitable for most low, moderate and higher prescriptions. LASIK uses a cool beam of light from the excimer laser to gently reshape the front surface (cornea) of your eye.

The LASIK Procedure

  1. Anesthetic drops are applied to the eye.
  2. A protective flap is created and gently lifted by the LASIK surgeon, revealing the inner corneal tissue.
  3. Computer-controlled pulses of cool laser light are applied to the inner layers of your cornea. As the laser pulses, it makes a ticking sound. The inner corneal layer is reshaped with the laser to mimic your contact lens or glasses prescription.
  4. The LASIK surgeon gently replaces the flap and aligns it to its original position. It heals naturally and securely.
  5. Some patients may feel slight irritation for a few hours, but most are quite comfortable after a nap and rest.

Good candidates are at least 18 years of age, in good general health, and with no eye diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma. A screening with Dr Ross is the best way to determine if you are a candidate and what your probable outcome may be. Dr Ross also offers complimentary consultations.

Good candidates should be free of eye diseases including Keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts and certain retinal and optic nerve diseases. Candidates should be free of certain eye viruses including herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Good candidates should also be free of certain health problems including uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune or collagen vascular disease, and any medication or condition which renders the patient immunocompromised.

Patients should make Dr Ross aware of certain eye problems including amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (muscle imbalance), severe dry eyes, previous eye surgery or injury, or any recurrent, residual or active eye conditions which may affect healing. Other conditions that should be related to the doctor include keloid scarring with previous surgical healing, back problems, claustrophobia or other psychological problems, which may affect the surgery or recovery.

It is critical that a potential laser vision correction candidate has obtained a stable prescription for at least one year. Since hormones may affect the stability of your prescription, pregnant or nursing women are not eligible to pursue laser vision correction until two menstrual cycles after nursing has been discontinued. This is to make sure that the best results are achieved with the surgery, and to try to limit fluctuations in prescription that can occur with hormonal shifts.

Dr. Ross is an affiliate doctor of the TLC program. He works closely with the specialists at TLC up to the point of surgery and performs all post op visits. If you are interested in discussing your LASIK options, schedule an appointment to receive a complimentary consultation from Dr. Ross.

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